luni, 2 decembrie 2013

HeroSmash Fame Hack v1.6.1

Download: HeroSmash Fame Hack v1.6.1

Several of you requested it and now you've got it. Introducing the HeroSmash Fame Hack version 1.6.1 The program does exactly what the name implies. It allows you to hack the Fame of your HeroSmash character to anything you want. Like all of our recent hacks, it comes with Stealth Mode built in. When enabled it significantly reduces the risk of being banned. We've tested it on over 20 different accounts and not a single account has gotten banned or even so much as a warning. The program is still in beta, so be sure to report any bugs or glitches you may find.

How to use HeroSmash Fame Hack v1.6.1:
Open the exe file you downloaded. Enter, in the first box, your Artix Username. In the second put your Character name of the character you want to hack fame. In the last box enter the amount of fame you want to have. Double check your settings and make sure you don't have any typos. OPTIONAL: Enable Stealth Mode. It reduces to risk of detection. Lastly click Start Hack and wait for the hacking process to finish. Congratulations! You've just hacked your HeroSmash level for free without having to grind for countless hours to level up. Enjoy!

Click here to download HeroSmash Fame Hack v1.6.1Mirror 1 Bioshock Infinite Keygen   CD Key Generator

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